Hunt A Killer
Blood In The Water
Blood In The Water
$11.99 MSRP
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Product Details
The town of Barton Beach is a popular summer destination known for its surfing, sandy beaches, and local restaurants, like the Beachcomber. Or at least it was -- until Flash Fremont washes up dead on the shore. Flash's sixteen-year-old nephew, Zac, is the only one who doesn't believe that Flash died in a freak surfing accident. Zac is determined to find out what really happened to his uncle out in the water. But his investigation reveals more than a few people who might have wanted to see Flash dead -- from old surfing rivals to Zac's own father. As Zac keeps asking questions, more people start showing up dead. Flash's killer is still out there. . . and if Zac isn't careful, his blood could end up in the water next. This original Hunt A Killer novel features all new characters, in-world clues, and a mystery not seen in the games! About the Author Caleb Roehrig is an author of young adult thrillers, including Last Seen Leaving, White Rabbit, and Death Prefers Blondes. A native of Ann Arbor, Michigan, he has also lived in Chicago, Los Angeles, and Helsinki, Finland. As a former actor and television producer, Roehrig has experience on both sides of the camera, with a résumé that includes appearances on film and TV -- not to mention seven years in the stranger-than-fiction salt mines of reality television. In the name of earning a paycheck, he has: hung around a frozen cornfield in his underwear, partied with an actual rock star, chatted with a scandal-plagued politician, and been menaced by a disgruntled ostrich
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